Talk to someone about your ADHD

Talk to someone about your ADHD

Remember: you’re not alone

The important thing to remember is you are not alone. There are plenty of things you can do and people you can talk to who can help. Often just talking to someone can help release the pent up pressure you might be feeling.

Lots of people will be happy to help

Talk to your family or if you don't feel comfortable talking to them, try having a chat with a teacher or even a friend.

Another idea is to look for local support groups where you can share your experiences and learn from other people.

People are often a lot more understanding than you may think and most people will be pleased to help.

Talking to your parents

Talking to your parents can be hard, however, they will want to help you to ensure you receive all the support you need.

If it's difficult to find the time to talk to your parents, ask them when would be the best time to have a chat.

Talking to your doctors

Whatever you feel, don't be worried to speak to your doctor. Explain how your ADHD is affecting you. They will talk you through the best course of action for you, whether that is referral to the specialist or a change in medication.

If you are having problems on a new medication tell your doctor. Be open and explain everything to them as they will need to have the full picture before they decide the best course of action for you.

Talking to your teachers

Your teachers are there to help you.

Your teacher may be able to help you organise your time and break your workload down into manageable chunks. This could help you concentrate on your studies and get better grades.

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Visit our resource center for useful information and helpful activities for parents, teachers and teenagers living with ADHD.

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